Carlos Tatay health update after scary crash: “Signs to be positive”

SAG Racing team have released an update on the condition of Carlos Tatay.
He suffered a major crash in Portimao in the FIM Junior GP.
Tatay was operated upon in Portugal.
“The rider is in Spain and will be sent to a specialised center with the hope intact in his recovery, even knowing that the prognosis is uncertain,” his team said.
"We will not commit the foolishness of promoting false hopes or catastrophic prognoses until we have the definitive diagnosis and its treatment.
“We will therefore demand from all the media the same good sense and respect that, in general, they have shown to date.
“There are signs that incite us to be positive.”
Twenty-four hours later, the team delivered another update.
“Currently the prognosis of our rider is still reserved.
“The road ahead will be long and sometimes difficult, but both his physical and mental strength encourage us to trust that the process will bear fruit. We are with you Carlos!”